Friday, August 22, 2008

Know when to say when...

Well, I'm sad to say that my career as a co-ed softball player has come to an end. Even though it's something I truly love, unfortunately the game is not loving me back, well not the bat anyway. Our first game was three weeks ago and when I got up to bat for the first time, I STRUCK OUT!! That is something that I haven't done since I was a child. I was humiliated beyond words, but I still felt positive that the next time would be better. Well the next time up was a bit better, I walked. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but definitely better than that long walk back to the dugout to face my team. So for the week after I analyzed over and over in my head why I struck out. I had nightmares about it even. It suddenly was consuming me... Well last week's game was undoubtedly one of the worst nights of my life... Three times I got up to bat and three times I struck out!! WHAT IS THAT? WHO DOES THAT? Suddenly I am the person on the team that everyone dreads... "Oh no, not her up again". Yep, that's me, the dreaded. So after last weeks game I vowed to be done and not return to the field again. Well after some persuasion from Taylor, my friend Burke and some other friends I had told about my "problem", I decided to give it one more shot. After work yesterday Taylor and I went to the ball park and he threw at least 50 pitches to me and I hit nearly everyone of them. Then before the game Burke pitched to me and I hit all of those... My confidence was starting to come back at this point...

The first inning went by and I didn't get up to bat, but the next inning I was first up. No pressure I thought, just a nice easy hit right behind short stop and my "slump" will be over. It's now my turn to bat... I knew all I had to do was keep my eye on the ball and swing the bat!! So I did exactly that... Well except for the swinging the bat part!!! I watched the perfect pitch go right by me and I stood there like a statue, not any part of me moving. "STRIKE" that stupid umpire yells. So I tell myself it's OK, I have one more chance (only 2 strikes in co-ed). So again I'm ready and the perfect pitch comes right past me and in disbelief I hear "STRIKE". I knew the swear words were coming and the "swear jar" I had brought was about to be in need of MUCH more that the .50 cents I had put in there before the game even began. I believe I owe it $10.00. Well the night didn't get much better, the next time up I did have a great hit, but unfortunately it was caught, and then of course my last time up was another wonderful strike-out!!

So I have decided it is now time to know when to say when... Enough of this. I am hanging my head down low and saying goodbye for now. I am too competitive to put myself and my team through anymore anguish. The mental block in my head is the winner here, unfortunately. So... So long co-ed softball. Some may say I am a quitter and to that I say... Yes I couldn't agree more!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bear Lake

For well over half of my life, my family has gone to Bear Lake every summer. It's something we all look forward to from the moment we get home! There's just something about it far beyond words. If you've never been, I highly recommend putting it on your life's "to do list". Of course I think it takes us all a year to prepare ourselves for living together as one BIG happy family under the same roof. :) Actually despite the few arguments and outbursts it is really so great to all be together. This year was absolutely WONDERFUL. The weather was perfect all week and the kids honestly played from sun up until sun down. My Dad made a great point... He said Bear Lake is the worlds best babysitter. Where else can kids play on a sandy, white beach, swim in water bluer than the bluest sky and boat to their hearts content? I don't think he was speaking only about the kids though. If my Dad had only one day left on this earth, he would gather his family and take us all to Bear Lake. Thank you Dad for all of the wonderful memories you have given our family at Bear Lake and for the generosity of taking us each year. Here are a few pictures of our family livin, laughin and lovin at Bear Lake...

Bear Lake Memories

Oh yeah we still got it!!

After a week together and we are still all
smiling and hugging. The whole family in a
BIG Bear Lake Bear Hug!!
Mom and Dad hanging out on the boat.

The man-made pool the kids made on the beach.
Makaya, Lexi, Kaden and Tyler.
Nothin' like chillin on the beach with the one ya love...

Tyler showed us all up on the wakeboard!!

Tay tearin' it up on the wakeboard...

Monday, August 11, 2008


Sooooo... I have REALLY hesitated to post a BLOG. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe because I figured it was just the "trendy" thing to do and I didn't necessarily want to be like everyone else; afterall my Mom always said... "Stephanie you just beat to the rhythm of your own drum". I used to think that was a "bad" thing; however now I can take comfort in the fact that sometimes my "drum" is all I have to set me apart from the rest...
But then, I started reading some of my friends blogs and my sisters blog and suddenly I wanted to be like everyone else!! I wanted to share this life I'm Livin, Laughin and Lovin...