Monday, November 3, 2008

Random October Family Pictures...

Tyler, the best and funniest kid ever!! Isn't
he adorable?

Me and the love of my life!!

My wonderful Mom and Sister!!

Me and the greatest Dad anyone could ask for!!

Amanda, Adam and Me!! Aren't we such a cute Family?
I love you guys!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

October Fun!!

Lexi, Brooklyn and Tyler at the pumpkin patch!

Tyler and Brooklyn (Cher's daughter) on the hay ride!
(Wouldn't he make a GREAT big brother?)

All of the girls in our SCARY costumes!!

Amanda, me and my Mom in our witch costumes.

Tyler as the Grim Reapor
(He is all about being scary!)

Taylor as Fred Flintstone after an
overdose of rogaine!

Me in my witch costume! (Big HAT)