Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We're back. . . In more ways than one!!

Well here we are thanks to my friend and sister-in-law!! She updated her blog and it's inspired me to be better. I know it's only been a year and a half, LOL

Well don't expect me to update from then; however I'll try to be better at getting regular updates moving forward :)

So not only are we back on the blog updates, but we are also back on the workouts, hard core!!! Taylor and I have been getting up at 6:00am every morning and working out to Jillian Michaels DVD's. HOLY FREAKEN HANNAH!!! I have parts of my body hurting that I didn't know I had. Mama Mia, she does NOT mess around, but it feels SO good and I am bound and determined to look damn hot in my bikini the summer. . . It's even inspired Tyler to work out and he is really doing a great job!!

Speaking of summer, where is it? Even a little piece of it? I've HAD it with rain and wind and snow, I'M OVER ALL OF IT!!! So. . . to make myself feel better I've decided to buy myself a tanning bed. CAN'T FREAKEN WAIT!! It's my little reward to myself. :) Who needs summer and sun when you can have your own personal "sun booth"? Ok who am I kidding, I DO!!! It will just help get me through this dreaded time and the winter's ahead.

Well that's all for now. . .


Unknown said...

yay, you're back!! Holy freaking personal tanning bed?? I'm jealous! Lucky duck! After all the years of buying passes, I could have owned my own by now. :)

Ethington Family said...

That is funny, because well, for a couple months, Brett and I have been doing p90x and I just got Jullian Michaels tape and we've done that a few times too. I love it. However, I don't look as good as you do! It's good to see you are alive and well (blog up-date)haha. Good to hear from you!