Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My first time being "TAGGED"

Ok my friend Mary Tagged me, so here is everything you never needed to know about me!! :)

What is your full name- Stephanie Davis
Nickname- Steph, Punk, Sweetheart
Coke or Pepsi? PEPSI
Song that resembles your life- I Dream in Color
Milk or dark chocolate- Milk Chocolate
Big mac Or whopper- I guess Big Mac, not really a burger gal!
Beach or Mountains- Yeah Mary me too, BOTH!! I love going to the beach, but I LOVE being in the mountains too. Vacation on the beach, but live in the mountains!!
What kind of shoes are you wearing- Bare foot
TV or Book- Book!
Favorite store- Wow, that's hard... Probably The Buckle
What was the last thing you ate? Joe Vera's chips and salsa
Clean freak or total slob- Clean Freak!!
Do you wish on stars- Not usually, but I make a lot of wishes
Ever been stung by a jelly fish- No
Best cartoon ever- Alvin and the Chipmunks
What scares you- Losing those I love or that something will happen to them. BEARS!!!
Favorite doughnut? Just one??? Well Krispy Creme glazed with chocolate on top!!!
Been to LA? Yes many times
Least favorite veggie- Tomato
Dreamer or doer- Both
One word that describes you- Impatient, Yep me too Mary!!
Name of your first friend- Michelle Carter
Night light or completely dark- Dark
Believe in love at first sight? Attraction at first sight!!
Best toppings for a pizza? Cheese, peppers and pineapple
Ever owned a goldfish? No
Potato chips or french fries? I unfortunately like both, they look really good on my butt!!
Who should play you in a made for TV movie? I have no idea
Spender or Saver? Both, but I spend much better!!
Butterflies or dragonflies- Butterflies in "real-life" but the dragonflies on paper are so cute!
Which ONE would you like to do the most- Skydiving, rappelling or scuba diving? I have done all three and loved them all, but sky diving was definitely the most thrilling!!
Fearful or fearless? I think I am both, depends on the situation
Bully or bullied? Definitely bully. Not intentionally though, people just FEAR me!! LOL
Glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty? Oh this just completely depends on the day!!!
Ever sent to the Principal's office? No
Social butterfly of wallflower? Social Butterfly, but I am sometimes a wallflower, I CAN be shy.
Secret keeper or blabber mouth? Secret Keeper (most of the time :))
Shift or Automatic? My jeep is an automatic, but I love to shift!!
Worry wart or worry free? Both
African safari or bicycle through Europe? African Safari
Ice cubes or crushed? Crushed
What do you like on your burgers? Cheese, ketchup and mayo
Bikini or board shorts- I wear both!
Favorite kinda cookie- Home made oatmeal chocolate chip, with a big glass of milk!!
Best Commercial- I can't think of one...
Word or phrase you say a lot? "I'm serious" or "oh please"!!
Favorite flower- Tulips are my favorite and I love daisies and most wild flowers.

1 comment:

Ethington Family said...

Thanks for doing that! It was fun to read. I LOVE the look of your blog. Too bad my blog was created when it was because it is harder to do all the fun stuff you did. I love it!
I love hearing from you. What a fun way to keep in touch. take care, and I'll keep in touch!